What to Expect From Your Pest Inspection
What Goes into a Pest Inspection
A pest inspection involves the inspector coming to the home and looking at:
- The exterior perimeter of the home
- Crawlspace
- Basement
- Attic
- Garage
The inspector is looking for signs of insects and pests, which include:
- Live insects
- Dead insects
- Exit holes
- Shelter tubes (usually made of mud)
- Stains
- Visible signs of wood damage
- Pest droppings
- Nesting remnants
What will your Singular Pest Inspector be looking for?
- Wood Destroying Organisms
- Termites
- Subterranean
- Formosan termite
- Drywood
- Carpenter Bees
- Carpenter Ants
- Wood Boring Beetles
- True Powderpost
- Old House Borer
- False Powderpost
- Deathwatch
- Engraver
- Ambrosia
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